标准版 |
永久免费,无验证量及攻击拦截量限制。 |
企业版 |
如果有自定义手势图、个性化防护策略等需要消耗额外服务器资源的需求则需要升级到企业版。企业版套餐分为包量和包月两种,以验证通过量而不是请求量或验证量作为计费依据。 |
验证方式 |
标准版验证发起时将跳转到VAPTCHA专用验证网页进行验证,企业版则在本站进行验证,手机端验证时两个版本没有明显的体验上的差异。 |
广告显示 |
标准版将会在不影响用户体验的前提下随机展示广告,企业版则不显示广告。 |
域名绑定 |
标准版每个验证单元只能关联一个域名,企业版则可以通过高级设置关闭域名校验来实现多域名关联。 |
个性化 |
企业版开放更多的个性化设定,比如验证策略、验证图等,标准版则使用系统统一的验证策略。 |
检查服务器是否有对外请求域名限制,如果有请将 *,* 添加到白名单中。
检查服务器是否有对外请求域名限制,如果有请将 *,* 添加到白名单中。
验证图上提示“v3.js 版本已更新,请升级!”?
VAPTCHA验证过程会用到cookie来存储安全标识,为了更好的验证体验建议开启cookie。开启cookie方法:请在浏览器设置 - 隐私设置开启cookie,需要注意的是,浏览器无痕模式下cookie是默认禁用的。
VAPTCHA触发短信接口运营商直连,秒级发送,并提供价格补贴,国内短信补贴后单价低至2.8分/条,远低于市场价,支持国内、国际短信发送。接入流程:登录网站 - 获取SMSID及SMSKEY - 代码部署
Does vaptcha charge?
SV |
Permanently free, no limit on the amount of verification and attack interception. |
EV |
If there is a need to consume additional server resources such as custom gesture diagrams and personalized protection strategies, you need to upgrade to the enterprise version. The enterprise package is divided into two types: package quantity and monthly package. The billing basis is the verified quantity rather than the requested quantity or verified quantity. |
What is the difference between SV and EV?
First, there is no significant difference in security levels.
Verification method |
The SV needs to jump to the VAPTCHA page for verification, and the EV verified on your site. There is no obvious experience difference between the two versions when verifying on the mobile terminal. |
Advertising display |
The SV will display advertisements randomly, while the EV will not display advertisements. |
Domain binding |
Each unit of the SV can only be associated with one domain , while the EV can be associated with any number of domain names. |
Customization |
The EV opens more personalized settings, such as verification strategy and verification diagram, while the SV uses the unified verification strategy of the system. |
intercept manual verification?
In principle, the function of AI verification code is to distinguish between man and bot, while the verification subject of manual coding is human, which is difficult to distinguish only through biometric model. However, VAPTCHA's powerful risk control analysis engine contains diversified security strategies and still has strong defense ability against manual coding.
Prompt: the unit does not match the domain name?
Please check whether the binding domain name of the unit is set correctly. Check whether the referer is empty or not submitted correctly.
Server side failed to verify network request?
Check whether the server has external request domain name restrictions. If so, please add *., * to the white list.
What is non-sense mode?
Only the EV supports non-sense mode. In this mode, trusted users or clients can complete verification without gesture drawing, which can greatly improve the user experience.
How to ensure the stability of services
VAPTCHA has deployed sufficient primary and standby server resources in many regions around the world to cope with daily verification peaks. When a node is severely attacked, resulting in slow response, the system will automatically schedule and distribute the normal verification request of the current node to the adjacent nodes until the attacked node returns to normal. VAPTCHA has sufficient ability to ensure the absolute stability of verification services.
My website users are scattered all over the world. Can VAPTCHA ensure the rapid response of verification?
If you set the parameter of area to auto when deploy the SDK, VAPTCHA can match the nearest authentication resources according to the user's region. Theoretically, the authentication requests initiated by users all over the world can be responded within 200ms.
Prompt :"v3.js version has been updated, please upgrade!"
When upgrading v3.js to a new version, if you put v3.js locally, this prompt will appear. Please update the version as soon as possible.
Prompt: "Please open the cookie"
Cookies will be used to store security identifiers during vaptcha authentication. It is recommended to open cookies for better authentication experience. How to enable Cookies: please enable Cookies in browser settings - privacy settings. Note that cookies are disabled by default in browser traceless mode.
Variable missing?
By default, the SV needs to open a new window for verification. When the browser does not support the method to open a new window, it directly opens the verification page from the current page for verification, and returns to the verification scenario page after verification. This may cause the loss of form data stored in variables on the scenario page. It is recommended to use cookies to store variables. The EV does not have this problem.